

Wonder woman, spiderman, batman, superman,hulk, flash, etc. When one comes across these words the only term that strikes in our mind is “superheroes”. No matter how old we are everyone loves watching superhero movies or series. It wakes up the childish version of us. If asked “who is a superhero?” The basic answer would be- one who has supernatural power and helps people. It may be the definition of a superhero in reel life but according to me in real life the definition of a superhero would be – our mother, whether she is a home maker or a working woman. I don’t even need to write about the things she does for us because even though we don’t acknowledge it we know we can’t live without her. Somehow things doesn’t fall into place if she is not there even for a day. She is in real terms the superhero in our lives and we are lucky to have a superhero living in our house.

In response to daily post challenge

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